When you take some things for granted..

Posted on October 13, 2013. Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: |

Not long ago, I attended an event, a combination of fun, tech and social talks.

Ya, like TED but not exactly TED. 

It was close to end of the event and there was a on-the spot event.

May be the event organizers thought of adding some spice/ laughter. I think the intention was right, but how they did it was a BIG turn off.

Almost everything they said, portrayed was as if the world was supposed to know computers, IT news, blogs, twitter, facebook and every piece of info that when put together would make others call you a nerd.

And if you do not know any/some of this, then you get ‘trolled’. They decided to call you the non-IT guy/girl.

And in their opinion, it was just ‘OK’, if you are an IT guy and you have a non-IT girl-friend (as if you did some social service or or something). It was like “Dude, my girlfriend is non-IT and I’m cool with it.

Boss, may be you are up-to-date with your technology crap but you had zero human quotient. There was no margin for error.

The stupidest thing happened when they talked about a granny who couldn’t find the difference between Windows on the PC and an actual window. 

A. Bad thing that Microsoft chose to use a very common noun for their product. 
B. There is considerable generation gap when it comes to technology meeting the older generation.

The bottom-line is, there are bunch of idiots around you who sit and judge you just because of do not know computers and the worst part is you won’t even know. :/

Next time when someone is not quite getting what you are explaining, may be go back and explain him/her, tone down on the jargon part and be a better human being. May be you will have a good feeling at the end of the whole thing.

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